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                                                        ”ADVANCE CIRCULAR – Linking Tourism Industry with VET to embrace circularity” 

EU bolstered its commitment towards a more sustainable economy&society. As underlined by global leaders at the COP26, the green transition means investing in bettering all citizens and workers lives, bringing about new jobs&life conditions. Implementing EGD is expected to shift the sectoral composition of employment in EU from polluting to ”cleaner” sectors and boost employment in green services.

EU Taxonomy for sustainable economic activities is focused on 6 environmental objectives, one of them being transition to a Circular Economy (CE).

Climate change, environmental degradation reduce productivity&destroy jobs. Action to combat these processes can potentially create millions of jobs – but this requires rapid, bold measures to invest in organizations&people’s capabilities to adopt CE. Transition to a green economy through CE requires reskilling and upskilling of workers to reduce risk of rising unemployment, poverty&inequality.

This project is focused on circularity as Tourism industry and sector VET should increase their sustainability practices and reduce their environmental impact. Project is taking concrete actions to promote CE approaches&tools bringing innovative changes in the way tourism and VET are linked, are more prepared for pressing environmental problems and making better use of existing resources. Skills and the green tourism shape each other - CE needs new kinds of skills, actions and operations.

AIM: to foster innovative circular approaches&tools in the tourism sector&its other related areas through transnational cooperation and knowledge transfer by linking vocational education and training to this sector.

O1.To increase understanding of the way the Circular Economy influences the Tourism industry&VET in terms of readiness and skills through 2 analysis bringing together VET institutions&companies in the field in 4 countries in at least 8 months of project.
O2. To enhance organizations&practitioners capabilities through 3 innovative&digital tools supporting Tourism Industry&VET to act in CE, in 4 countries/EU level throughout project.
O3. To develop at least 5 applicative learning contexts (transnational&national) for Tourism&VET experts based on Design Thinking, in 4 countries/European level.
O4. To raise awareness&capacity to exploite project results in 5 partner organizations/their external context in 4 countries/EU level on 24 months.

A) 2 analysis Mapping the Scene&Creating Bridges:
 a. ”Are we ready for Circularity?”;
 b. ”Skills for the green and circular transition”
B) 3 innovative tools supporting Tourism Industry&VET to act in Circular Economy:
 - Guidelines: ”The CE: Moving from theory to practice”
 - skills taxonomy
 - digital set of cards based on what are the 5 R's of CE (Rethink, Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
C) applicative learning contexts for Tourism&VET experts based on Design Thinking:
 - Training Pack with 5 modules+a special section ”Digital Self-learning tools”.
 - 1 Transnational Training Program: ”Tourism&VET in tourism advancing circular-exploring the possibilities”+4 national National training sessions for a balanced mix between VET institutions experts&company representatives&other organizations from tourism industry/related fields. They get an overview and potentially new understanding of CE& explore new circular models and how to turn challenges into possibilities using Design Thinking.

Consortium consists of:
 - CESUR (Centro Superior de Formación Europa Sur), Spain.
 - Association of Consultants and Experts on Social Economy Romania (ACE-ES Romania).
 - Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism (BAAT), Bulgaria.

Project period - 24 months (01.10.2023-30.09.2025).

Project website: Advance Circular

Data: 20 octombrie, 2023
vizualizări: 10.641